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MHGN & OneUnited Bank

Our Money Matters

  • OneUnited Bank, the nation’s largest black-owned bank and FDIC insured, understands we have to focus on money to improve the lives of our community!
  • Black buying power in America today is over $1.2 trillion dollars. When focused on improving our neighborhoods and supporting Black-owned businesses that are more likely to hire Black people, those dollars become a powerful force
  • We want you to stand up and represent. We want you to be part of the movement – to BankBlack® and #BuyBlack – to demonstrate our economic power. Yes…Black Lives Matter. Black Money Matters.

Our History

OneUnited Bank began almost 50 years ago with the opening of Unity Bank & Trust in Boston, Massachusetts. OneUnited Bank was established by combining Black-owned banks across the country – Founders National Bank of Commerce in Los Angeles, Family Savings Bank in Los Angeles, Peoples National Bank of Commerce in Miami and Boston Bank of Commerce – with the same mission, to create an institution to garner our spending power and channel it back into the communities we serve.