Hoarder Labs

What is Hoarder Labs?

MHGN Hoarder Labs is the core development team of the MHGN ecosystem. You can read the Hoarder Labs Manifest v.1 stored on IPFS to get more in-depth. Hoarder Labs believes in the power of distributed ledger technology i.e Blockchain technology and will develop open-source software products that educate and reward the MHGN ecosystem users/hoarders. One of its main revenue streams will be proof of work cryptocurrency mining using Unmineable.com and its mining pools. Software developers can independently become a Hoarder Labs developer using the Blocks of Passion Protocol featured later on this page and earn rewards in BOP tokens as they learn and build. Hoarder Labs is in active development of the MHGN Hoarding Gateway a decentralized application that will be hosted on multiple blockchain networks and allows hoarders to interact with Hoarder Labs products using EVM compatible wallets . An educated community is a strong community so education is our main focus.

The BOP Token

“The Gift that keeps on giving!”

What is Blocks Of Passion Protocol you ask?

Well dive head first into the future of finance today! MHGN is developing a non-profit learn and earn protocol BOP by M.H.G.N a ERC20 token deployed on Polygon Network. BOP by MHGN is a asset created by MHGN Hoarder Labs core developers for the Blocks of Passion Foundation/Protocol which is M.H.G.N’s attempt at creating a decentralized on-chain non-profit organization centered around its tokenized digital asset the BOP token. The BOP token is paired to different assets on Uniswap like Dai stable coin, Bitcoin, and Ethereum giving the token real value that can be exchanged in a trust-less decentralized fashion. The community of hoarders will have the ability to make peer-to-peer transactions using the BOP token with no third party intermediaries. Blocks of Passion Foundation and M.H.G.N are partnering with Coinbase as a fiat on-ramp and will educate hoarders on best practices when using centralized exchanges and the advantages and disadvantages of Coinbase versus other platforms.

Blocks of Passion Protocol and Foundation are the core of the M.H.G.N ecosystem and the Hoarderverse. Projects centered around decentralized finance, low cost housing alternatives, youth outreach programs, refuge shelters for the less fortunate etc.

Broken promises! This is what it all boils down to when explaining why cryptographic truth and security powered by on-chain verified smart contracts is the future and a world we should embrace. M.H.G.N is integrating with the best ecosystems across the multi-verse of blockchains and applications emerging rapidly. The BOP is promise that can’t be broken! As a community of BOP token hoarders grows as new hoarders are on-boarded the asset will become a fully self generating revenue machine for non-profits, hoarders, on-boarders, etc to generate new streams of revenue while they learn about the future of finance.

The concept Staking in MHGN’s Hoarderverse has been renamed to Hoarding and to be a token hoarder/holder of any MHGN ecosystem assets makes you a official Money/Crypto Hoarder!

Got BOP’s?

If you don’t have any BOP tokens that’s o.k because there’s a faucet that let anyone drip 600 BOP tokens only when they have a zero balance in their wallet for a max of 6000 BOP. Once you drip the faucet you can hoard your BOP tokens for a 6% annual return. Anyone can donate BOP tokens to either the BOP Faucet Contract or BOP Hoarding Contract because the token was created to reward the community and fuel Blocks of Passion Foundation and M.H.G.N projects. Anyone can become a Hoarder just drip the BOP faucet create a new liquidity pool on Gateway-Swap or hoard your tokens using the BOP U.I which will be apart of the full Hoarding Gateway.

Quick links to M.H.G.N’s decentralized applications

BOP by MHGN “The Tokenomics”

  • 1,200,000,000 total supply minted on deployment there will never be any more.
  • Hoarders can use their BOP tokens to Swap for different assets on uniswap, provide liquidity by creating pools and earn fees from pair swaps, or hoard there tokens using the BOP UI.
  • BOP by MHGN has the burn function built-in that allows token to be destroyed.
  • Built in governance that will be shaped by the ecosystem of hoarders.
  • The protocol will try to maintain 60% or better of the total supply in the BopHoardingContract.
  • The BOP token is available to all through the BopFaucetContract
  • M.H.G.N encourages hoarders to make donations of BOP tokens to the BopFaucetContract and BopHoardingContract which helps increase BOP by MHGN market value.

BOP by MHGN is live and verified on Polygon Mainnet! There is a on-boarding faucet that drips BOP tokens if you don’t have any head over a get dripped!

Blocks of Passion Protocol & House Of Hoarders

Low cost housing alternatives is one of the core values of Blocks of Passion Foundation that’s why we want our community to have a solid foundation of directors that will lead us to victory. BOP by MHGN will fuel many projects in the future as users understand the protocols power to fuel business growth. Blocks of Passion Foundation will fund development of shelters for the less fortunate and partner with M.H.G.N’s House of Hoarders clothing brand to donate clothing as well to all. We like to say “Your only as good as your network!” M.H.G.N is the home of dream chasers.

This New Jersey home built from shipping containers beautiful design is inspiration enough to find out what we can build for you!!!
USDC Stablecoin

We have begun to integrate Circle’s USDC stablecoin into the MHGN ecosystem and is the first partner ecosystem asset to have a hoarding contract deployed. USDC is a cross-chain digital equivalence of the U.S dollar and empowers the MHGN ecosystem with stable multi-chain liquidity. Pairing MHGN assets to USDC creates a dollar value exchange rate that hoarders can then leverage to increase their portfolios value. USDC will be used to mint the MHGD stablecoin which will act as the MHGN ecosystem dollar and will have many use cases and incentives for hoarders.

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