Our Partners

This page contains the links to our trusted partners

Some of the links on this page maybe MHGN affiliate rewards links.

MHGN invites you to join OneUnited Bank the nation’s largest Black owned bank. Follow our referral link and sign up to become apart of the new Black Wall Street movement and empower the future of financial literacy and purchasing in the black community.

Investing For A Better Tomorrow

Committed to helping our members succeed. We are Building Minority Owned Banks. Make a $10 one-time donation find out more using our link https://gdsgapp.com/signup/TKCHKG8HZP

Coinbase is the leading centralized gateway into the metaverse of web3. MHGN will educate its ecosystem on safe practices of decentralized self custody and centralized custodial platform like Coinbase and how to navigate their use cases.
Chainlink plays a major role in MHGN’s core development. Explore some of our highlight resources from Chainlink on Github where our code base is open source.http://hack.chain.link
The leading decentralized exchange and foundation of decentralized finance.
Ethereum’s #1 Layer 2 network.

BOP by MHGN is a decentralized non-profit organization live on Polygon Network and allows you to learn about Defi, cryptocurrencies, web3, and much more while earn BOP tokens that can then be used as pleased.