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The Hoarding Gateway is live find out more!

Test out the Hoarding Gateway before using the real assets on Amoy testnet.

The Hitchhikers Guide to Money Hoarding!

M.H.G.N Core Developers Hoarder Labs have been working hard to bring BOP by MHGN our first live on-chain digital asset. The BOP token is and will be the foundation of M.H.G.N & Blocks of Passion Protocol. The Hoarding Gateway was built to allow the ecosystem of hoarders to interact with M.H.G.N’s deployed smart contracts.

Blocks of Passion Protocol/Foundation M.H.G.N’s attempt at a truly decentralized self-governed revenue generating non-profit organization. The power of distributed ledger technology and decentralized finance has opened a door that will allow us to build a community of like minded individuals with a common goal of creating value and verifiably storing that value. Hoarders are those who hold and use any M.H.G.N assets the main use case would be hoarding/staking your BOP tokens in the BopHoardingContract deployed live on Polygon Mainnet 0x0860A1883FA630Beb62a51482f94Fecf63937166 check it out on polygonscan.

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